Using your digital signature with Firefox on macOS: Разлика между версии

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[[Категория:Инсталация и използване на удостоверения за електронен подпис]]
[[Категория:Инсталация и използване на удостоверения за електронен подпис]]
[[Категория:Mac OS X]]

Версия от 15:15, 3 април 2017

Before proceeding with this you must do

If you have smart card and smart card reader from Infonotary, but you havn't install drivers for them you must complete the instructions from Installation of smart card reader and smart card drivers in Mac OS X .

  • IMPORTANT WHEN USING THE PRODUCTS OF MOZILLA!!!: When you use Mozilla prodsucts you must know, that it uses direct access to smart cards. When we install succesfully certificates in Mozilla Firefox or Thunderbird , WE MUST NOT delete them from there, because that way we will delete them from the smart card along the public and private keys!

Installation in Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird

The prefered way to configure Firefox and Thunderbird is through InfoNotary Configurator for Mozilla. After you install this extention everything will be configured automatically.

If you install it before the drivers or you have installed a different driver for smart card you have register the modle manually from the preferences of the Configurator. Go to menu Tools->Add-ons, in the new pick Extensions, after that mark InfoNotary Configurator for Mozilla and click Preferences. Then Register Smart Card. In case is inactive you dont have to do anything.

Testing installation

To test you can go to testing site of Infonotary. In case everything configured correctly you will receive Data accepted. You can do a local check with the button "Sign text" in the preferences of InfoNotary Mozilla Configurator.